Pink and white party dessert table with cupcakes, fruits, cheese platter and pink cake.
Pink and white letter banner spelling 'Hip Hip Hooray' hangs on white wall.
White and pink banner with strawberry design hanging against light background.
Party table decorated with pink streamers and balloons by window with desserts and snacks.
Pink and white decorated sugar cookies featuring strawberries and basket designs.
Pink frosted cake topped with fresh strawberries and berries on white cake stand.
Charcuterie board with sliced cheese, crackers, grapes and meats arranged for entertaining.
Party spread with fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese platter and pink desserts on wooden table.
Chocolate cupcakes topped with white frosting and colorful sprinkles arranged on a white serving platter.
Group photo of friends gathered together in a bright sunlit room.
Family gathering with multiple generations posing together under a 'Hooray' banner.
Family group photo in a bright sunlit room with casual attire.
Toddler in high chair with decorative banner celebrating a special occasion.
Toddler in white shirt sitting in high chair enjoying a treat with festive banner below.
Close up of toddler eating a treat while sitting in white high chair.