lewis Raymond Pratt
was born on 1.4.24 weighing 8 lbs 8 oz and measuring 22 inches. He is the perfect addition to our little family and we are smitten!

When Bryan and I were first married and talking about our future children, we knew that we wanted to name our son Lewis. Louis is a family name on the Pratt side and Lewis is a family name on the Phelps side (my mother). I have loved that name since I was little and I was so happy when I found out that Bryan loved the name too!
Lewis Phelps, my grandfather, has always been special to me. I have so many happy memories going to my grandparents' house when I was little and waking up and running to my Grandpa's room with my siblings asking him to tell us stories. Not only is my grandfather a master storyteller, but he is also incredibly kind, loving, and charitable. My grandpa has a very strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and has been faithful throughout his life. He has a love for music and education and is constantly doing what he can to spread that love. When we were little I remember him asking us quiz questions and we would each get different questions depending on our age. He pushed us to learn more and to not waste time. After his retirement he has continued to teach classes at the University of Utah, bake bread to gift to his neighbors (using his father Lewis's recipe), learned how to use a lathe with wood and has made countless pencil holders, and been a blessing to those who know him. I pray that Lewis Raymond Pratt can follow in his great grandfather's footsteps and love learning, have charity, and develop his testimony throughout his life as well.
It is also incredibly special that Louis is a Pratt family name. Louis was Bryan's great grandfather who was married to Nellie (Bryan's great grandmother who we named our daughter Nellie after). I absolutely love that those names have already gone together for decades and now will be siblings in our little family as well. From what I have heard, Louis and Nellie raised five amazing sons and they were incredibly hard workers.
Lewis means "renowned warrior" and has the sentiments of strength and courage. I pray that our little Lewis grows up with the strength and courage it takes to live in this crazy world. I hope he holds on close to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope he is a hard and dedicated warrior like those who he is named after. I hope Bryan and I can do our very best to help him grow up in a loving home and do all we need to in order to help him succeed in this life. And I am oh so grateful that we don't have to do this alone!
Raymond Vincent Pratt, Bryan's grandfather, was incredibly special to Bryan. Bryan grew up literally down the driveway from his grandparents and visited them often. In Raymond's later years when he was sick, Bryan was the one to help him when he had fallen down and to help his aunt Maureen take care of him. Bryan was best friends with his Grandpa Raymond and I have heard nothing but amazing things about him. Raymond was crazy and and incredibly loyal to his family. He would do whatever it took to protect his family. Raymond grew up during the Great Depression and walked miles to and from school everyday, just to come back home and work on the farm each evening in order to help provide for his family. His father, Louis, died when Raymond was seventeen and so Raymond took on the responsibility of helping his family. Raymond saved EVERYTHING and Bryan is still finding things he needs to get rid of in his yard. He was kind, loyal, and adventurous. He one time flew his airplane under the bridge because his friend dared him to do it. He made everyone laugh and has left on impression on many people.
Kevin Raymond Pratt has the middle name of his father, and followed the pattern by naming his son Bryan Raymond Pratt. It is so special to continue this Pratt tradition and name our own son Lewis Raymond Pratt. There are very few people who are as kind as Kevin Raymond Pratt alive on this earth today. Kevin will literally do anything to help his family. He is so incredibly patient and loving and always willing to lend a helping hand. I can't even begin to count the number of times Kevin has driven to our house (whether in Boston or in Douglas) to help us with a project. He is always happy to take us to the airport. He will drop anything to come help if I need help with Nellie and he is always ready to take Bryan's phone calls, even if he is out mowing lawns and can barely hear. Oh how I pray that little Lewis Raymond Pratt follows after his grandfather's footsteps and takes the middle name Raymond as a special reminder that he can be just like his father, grandfather, and great grandfather.

The significance of a name
I shared this when Nellie was born but I love it so much that I want to share it again: “Names are always important, and names have meaning. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, naming is a priesthood ordinance, and it comes with a blessing. It is significant that we are known by the name our parents choose for us “on the records of the Church” and throughout our mortal lives. This given name has importance in all the priesthood ordinances, including temple ordinances.”
I hope little Lewis can recognize that his name is important and has meaning. I want him to strive to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and to recognize that learning about them can help him grow in this life. I want him to have faith, be kind, and have charity just like his great grandfather. I want him to be giving, have loyalty to his family, and have kindness like his other great grandfather. I am so happy that Bryan and I both love the name Lewis and that it is a special name in both of our families.
Welcome to the world little Lewis. We love you oh so much already!